IOM Global Data Institute Thematic Brief #1: Evidence Summary on Climate Change and the Future of Human Mobility
In the past decade, an estimated 21.6 million people annually were internally displaced by climate-related hazards worldwide (IDMC, 2022). Climate change is increasing these hazards across many parts of the world. In addition to concerted climate mitigation, navigating these challenges requires effective, evidence-based policy measures that support people at risk. This fact sheet contributes by providing evidence highlights compiled, unless noted otherwise, by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on projected future impacts of climate change related to human mobility. It shows how climate change is expected to expose more than a billion people to sea level rise, flooding, droughts, and
other hazards, and will likely drive the movement of tens to hundreds of millions of people in coming decades. Whilst precise projections remain difficult to come by, the overall trend is clear.