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IOM Submission to the High Level Political For on Sustainable Development

IOM Submission to HLPF 2024

The IOM Submission to the 2024 High Level Political Forum (HLFP) on Sustainable Development outlines the role of migration in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

This year’s in depth-review of SDGs 1, 2, 13, 16 and 17 underlines how, while migrants are often among the furthest left behind, they simultaneously push forward development, well-being and growth for people and planet. This submission also presents the following acceleration actions: 1) extend social protection and universal health coverage to all migrants; 2) Reduce remittance costs and leverage different types of diaspora contributions; 3) Weave human mobility into development planning; 4) Develop safe and regular migration pathways; 5) Reduce the digital access gap for people on the move; 6) Integrate human mobility into national adaptation and climate change response plans. It demonstrates how a combination of these actions may be implemented to advance progress for each of the SDGs under in-depth review, and how this can have positive knock-on effects across other SDGs.



IOM Submission to the High Level Political For on Sustainable Development


International Organization for Migration



