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Sujets de migration
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Type d'information
Region of focus (UN regions)

Technical paper: Development, validation and testing of a methodology for SDG indicator 10.7.2 on migration policies

Technical paper

This paper presents an overview of the development of a methodology for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicator 10.7.2 on the number of countries with migration policies to facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people. The methodology builds on the Migration Governance Framework, a tool developed by IOM and uses an existing global data source, the United Nations Inquiry among Governments on Population and Development, administered by UN DESA.

In developing the new indicator, IOM and UN DESA adopted an inclusive approach to validate and test the proposed methodology. To this end, they organized a series of consultations with a range of stakeholders, including representatives from government entities responsible for migration policies, and tested the methodology through a pilot study with a regionally representative group of countries.

The proposal was modified based on feedback received from experts and policy makers. The result is a robust indicator reflecting relevant and timely information on national migration policies. The indicator can help to identify both progress made and policy gaps in the effort to facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people. 



International Organization for Migration (IOM) UN Department of Social and Economic Affairs (DESA)

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